Sunday 21 September 2014

Long Hiatus

It has been really a while since I last wrote about anything on this blog. You can consider 'lazy' as the number one culprit in this case. I have to admit that since I started working, I've always been occupied with work related stuff, physically and emotionally. But I would say that it's a big lie when all the time that I have in life, I spent on thinking about my work. Nope. I know very well that I am not that hardworking. One thing for sure, I noticed myself got caught into emotional affair with my work, the love-hate-relationship game is very strong in this arena. Sometimes too strong that it made me rethink about some of my decisions that I made in life. (If you get what I mean)

Anyway, I went to Bon Odori last night with my sister since she insisted me to go with her, pfft clingy sister I know. One word for it - awesome! I am definitely going to the next year's and I am going to make sure that I'll apply leave on that particular day just to attend the event. Oh, not to forget, I think I need to get myself a pair of yukata for myself too! And that cute japanese umbrella too.

Till the next time, bye!