Tuesday 1 November 2011


Greetings from Mauritius! Here's a photo of us siblings having lots of fun getting our skin tanned most importantly. But I guess you guys figured out that it's not Mauritius really. To be exact, we were in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. If you noticed there's my beloved dad back there. My mom, well she was the one who's taking our picture.

Anyway, last Saturday we went to Port Dickson to have a family day. Basically to have a decent picnic and barbecue and of course who doesn't love a beach with sand and the ocean? And thank goodness that the weather on that particular day wasn't that hot. It was just nice and quite windy. We arrived around 11 o'clock and by 2 p.m. the tide was already rising. Nevertheless, the tide didn't even bother the two little boys to still soak their bodies into that cool ocean. And voila, I have two little Indian boys as my younger brothers.

Talking about beaches, I know that almost everyone must have at least had a dream to go to Mauritius or maybe I'm the only one dreaming about it? But I don't think so. Then again, who wouldn't love the crystal white sandy beach with bright blue ocean?! And the sky, oh what should I say to describe the sky. Hmm. maybe you should just Google it out to have a better picture about what I'm talking about.

Last but not least, please don't mistakenly see the photo above as if I'm pooping out sand castle. Have a great day!

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