Monday 17 October 2011

Something blue

Facebook is really something. For me, it's a place where I got to see my fellow school mates and maybe some of my high school friends; about what are they doing right now or how's life in other countries would be. Now, here comes the part which made me cuckoo sometimes. Well, maybe all the times. It hurts when they put up pictures about having some events and stuffs going on and you know, just having fun with your life as a student. But before that, this is a story about frustrations (is it?) or you can call it almost can't-wait-to-get-it-over-with feelings.

By being in boarding school for 5 years, almost every one that I knew who went to the same school as me, is currently studying in countries like Egypt, Australia, Japan, Korea, US or UK. Half of them graduated already. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, they are so lucky. And I'm super jealous with them.

Unlike them, I don't put up pictures (or maybe I did put up some) about my life in the country that I was offered to pursue medicine. I don't find living in that country as interesting as anything. No words can describe that feeling. Some might say something like "You'll get very enthusiastic when you first landed on any foreign country, but that feeling will eventually fade away". I mean really? I didn't even got excited even at the very first time we landed there. Hmm. Maybe I'm exaggerating or maybe I'm telling the truth. Who knows.

Anyway, why am I writing all this stuff up? Oh, now I remember. This is to remind me that by God's will I'll only have about 1+ year to endure this torture. No, I mean I'll get to finish my degree and become a medical doctor. If I were to describe how my final year of medicine would be, I'll say that it's like swimming into the ocean with fire and piranhas everywhere, sometimes there are sharks with metal saw-like teeth appears out of nowhere, and when it rains, there's only fire and more fire comes pouring down. Wow. That's a whole lot of expressions.

Last but not least, can you believe that at the end of my story I'll get to put the abbreviation 'Dr.' in front of my name? Okay, I can't lie to you but I am psyched about it. Hihi.

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