Thursday 5 May 2011

Points to ponder

I'm making a list of things that I should get familiar with; words in English instead of in this place's mother tongue.
1. Blood pressure
2. Hand sanitizer
3. Patients
4. Wards
5. Daily fluid needs
6. Body weight
7. Injection
8. Admitted
9. Shock
10. Main complaint

You might be wondering how they say all of the things above in their language. Well, here goes..
1. Tensi
2. Antis (short form for antiseptik)
3. Pasbar (short form for pasien baru)
4. Bangsal (yes, they call wards as bangsal. And it really looks like bangsal you know)
5. Kebutuhan cairan
6. Berat badan (well, they are so lazy so they just say BB as in BeBe)
7. Suntik
8. Opname
9. Renjatan
10. Keluhan utama

I should give a big slap in the face if I accidentally slip those stupid words from this mouth. Seriously!
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