Friday, 19 November 2010

full of words

Hi there! Currently I'm here in Makassar to renew my re-entry permit and to settle everything regarding December convocation. Anyway, it's no fun talking about those stuff either. So I've tried to upload several pictures since last night.

Well, it's about my sister's madness to manga and magazines. I've had a great time reading tonnes of magazines that until now, you can call me the expert. I've done a great catch up with the Hollywood celebrities and all. Thanks for the fabulous mags!

I've been doing my reading a lot back at home. I read newspapers everyday from cover to cover (even the 1klassified section in case there's someone who wants to sell his/her car in a cheaper price. Hehe). Anyway, Here's several books that I've read. But to look back to what I've done, it's a freaking loads of books!

This one is a love story series. Very light reading, meant for readers of tweenage I guess. Anyhow, in the end it's a happy ending. God knows how much I love happy ending stories.

Kaoru's masterpieces. I love her drawings, shading and the storyline. In additional, I'm a fan of Kaoru's since my high school years! Hope that my sister will continue collecting her art works too.

And loads of manga. Or comic books should I be calling them. Love stories. But sometimes, I just can feel like I've had too many love story already. Haha.

Well what can I say. My sister's collection's endless. There's a lot more than all these pictures above.

Anyway, My dad consistently asking me whether I've done reading this bulky book. He meant reading it from cover to cover and not to miss any words written in it. Can I say I'm half way already? I don't think he'll be satisfied with the answer.

p.s. I wonder why I don't like Bryce Larkin in Chuck but somehow I'm totally in love with Neal Caffrey in White Collar. Love is weird. Very weird!

p.s.s. hope to improve my English with that much reading too.


  1. omg comic adik kita byk cmni gak hahaha..dia fan kaoru gak weh

  2. yeay!! bley jd geng. best la kaoru tu. awk ade bc komik die x? confirm best!
