Sunday 14 November 2010

my bantal busuk

I've tried to wait patiently for the picture of my bantal busuk to be uploaded. Sadly, the internet wasn't capable to do so. Never mind. I'll put up the picture eventually. Just wait for the post entitled My Bantal Busuk 2.

Anyway, if you try to translate bantal busuk to English, it becomes smelly pillow. Regardless the word smelly, actually mine wasn't smelly at all. Believe me it's true. My bantal busuk had been accompanying me ever since I don't have any pillows left in my house. *I've stated in my previous post that I'm the only child who travel (to study) a lot more than my other sisters and brothers.*

Good news is that I've taken much effort to dump him into the washing machine and had him a good spin. Now, even better, he's smelling all nice and he even feels fresh himself (yeah I know. He only talks to me).

I take this opportunity to thank my bantal busuk for being there when it's time for me to sleep. Without him I wouldn't have a good night plus sweet dreams. Not to mention when I need someone to shed my tears on, he successfully absorbed the precious tear drops without failing even once. Thanks for becoming soggy for me. Haha.

p.s. next time I'll soak him in a basin filled with gallons of Dettol and Clorox! Mwa ha ha (very evil laugh)

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