Monday 4 June 2012


*clears throat*

First things first. What do you think about my blog? It has changed (into something better) right? I think it's more lively than it was before. No, actually I almost thought that I should throw my blog into a treasure chest and bury it some where nobody knows. If ever somebody finds it they'll put a frown on their faces because all they found is just an old, rusty, abandoned blog. Lucky I did a second thought about it.

It feels like centuries ago since my last post. But I have my good reasons for being indifference for a while. I was in my Obstetrics and Gynecology rotation (where I realized that only crazy people who would want to pursue in this field of medicine) for about 3 months since end of February till late April. That's the time when whenever I reached home, all I can think of is my one and only love, my precious bed.

I was cut off from the real world during that period of time. I know nothing about what's happening to the world but screaming patients with an alien (or two) coming out of their lady parts. Come to think about it, I'm terribly sorry that I sometimes did curse them patients for being too spoiled that they screamed, cried and didn't give any cooperation during labor. I know that it's a bad thing to do. I'll try to change it in time.

So anyway, I made my comeback. Omg, I just realized that I made that statement like as if I'm some famous celebrity. Haha. Just kidding. I'm currently in my Surgery rotation. For 3 months. So far, I like the subject but I hate the people in it. These surgeons are arrogant people. Hmm. Maybe they inquire arrogance as one of their criteria to be recruited as surgeons. I don't know.

Sometimes when I sleep at night, I do wish that when I wake up tomorrow morning it will be the day that I graduated from medicine. I'm wishing for it so hard that sometimes I even had the same dream over and over again. She's a psycho (every fingers point to me).

Oh, by the way let me give you the metaphors of medicine from my point of view. I don't know whether the others do think the same way as I do or not. So here it goes...

Surgery rotation = Grey's Anatomy
Obstetrics & Gynaecology rotation = The Private Practice
Internal Medicine = House
The Specialists of medicine = Royal Pains

But I don't think that it's entirely relatable though. I'm just giving you guys the idea what I'm doing on a daily basis (but minus the cute guys and all the super cool stuffs you happen to see in TV) but double or triple the drama.

Talking about drama, I need to confess that I am so sick of it. I still remember my first few rotation that I've been through. It was messy. I'm trying to believe that it gets less messier as time passed by. You can never imagine the tears I shed during these 2 years. I think if I collected all of my tears it'll be as big as the Salt Lake. I'm not kidding you.

They said, to be a doctor you need to be tough. I know what that means. I've heard too many stories already. It's just that it's hard to break my personality into someone whom I'm not.

I'm not writing about this any longer. To conclude my post today, I present to you the so-called-hardest-ever tongue twister:

"Sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick"

Now, try to read the phrase 10 times in under 10 seconds. Good luck!:)
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

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