Sunday 11 November 2012

Pop-up bedtime story book

It feels weird when you know that you do have something to accomplish yet in the mean time you do nothing to fulfill that mission. I don't know what went wrong or who was the culprit or what was the infamous reason behind it. I just don't. And I keep doing it over and over again. I'm not even bored doing it. The lazying around part is always the best.

Which reminds me to Google out some motivational blogs or websites for people like me. But wait, motivational stuff won't do any good either. The moment when I finally finish reading all the motivational vomit and decide then to close the tab, that's the moment when I know that I will still do the stuff that I always do. Urgh. It sounds disgusting more than ever when I tried to convey them into words. I must not do this again next time.

I'm sorry. It's so tempting you know.

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