Thursday 24 March 2011

The biggest breakup

It is finally and officially over! I just can’t believe that I’m breaking up with Internal medicine (not for good of course). It was like my first love. I hope I won’t forget him. I really didn’t mislead you guys into thinking about something else am I right? Just to be clear, I wish that everything that I had gained during all those weeks is saved in my long-term memory. It'll be my preparation for the upcoming real-doctor life afterwards. I need to be prepared.
Anyway, here’s a list of things (negative things) that I did back then when I was in Internal medicine department:
  1. panic, panic, panic! (I mean like seriously?)
  2. procrastinate
  3. swear words (and loads of it. Sigh)
  4. always ungrateful
  5. comparing with others and get really really unsatisfied with
  6. blaming others
  7. get too emotional and as a result of being so full of emotions is…cry. I don’t want to be a cry baby anymore (do you think I can changed that? I might be able to say that out loud but I don’t think I can. LOL.)
  8. complaining about every single thing that didn't quite come to my satisfaction
  9. bad interpersonal relationship with friends and doctors. Which later lead to unavoidable miscommunication. Hmm. I know that 99% of the fault came from myself.
  10. last but not least, I've thought about giving up soooo many times already.
I need to meditate. I need to improve myself. I need to throw away all those stuff above for good. I need to be better. And gain 10kg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. my English is terrible. That’s the reason why I always put up my post in English. I hope you guys don’t mind. And forgive me if I did any grammar mistakes. I’m trying to improve here! Peace :)
p.p.s. practice makes perfect you know.

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