Sunday 13 March 2011

Voice of a nightingale

I am bound to Chritina's Bound To You. Yes, I am currently in love with the song. I don't know (and don't even care) whether the lyrics do imply on my life or not. But one thing for sure is that she has a great voice (duhh!!). If only I can be like her.

Just so you know I love spending time thinking about silly questions and trying hard to find the answer for it. Sometimes I tried to find the logic and science to relate to it.

Let me give you an example. Let's say that vampires feed on blood and the get to stay alive for infinity. Now can you explain to me what's with blood? What does blood have that it can keep a vampire alive for that long time? Especially when they always bite on the main arteries and that means that they feed on oxyhemoglobin(erm, really? Never mind). But when you literally eat blood it will be digested by your stomach acid. And leaves you what? Hematin? Mm. I'm going to figure out more about it.

But for the mean time I don't think that it can be related to science. You might say that blood and vampires are creepy little things which are bound by black magic (and spells, and jinx, and voodoo etc). See. No science at all. Hmmph. Fine.

Anyway, let's just leave it behind. I'll explain about it later when I got the perfect scientific explanation for that. Now let's move on to my other question. The vocal chords give you your voice. Can someone be a great singer when she got herself a surgery to the vocal chords? (Regardless the side effects to the nerves and blood supplies, and other stuffs related okay?). Do you think that it is possible?

P.s. Don't try too hard to find the answer. They are just ridiculous enough already. I know.

P.p.s. I wear size 8 shoes. I have a giant pair of feet. I am weird.
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