Sunday 25 August 2013

Bows and Arrows

Through out those years when I studied medicine, I've got to admit that there's a lot more to learn rather than what's written in those thick books. Things to learn but never in the curriculum, such as how to face the world's cruel reality. Or maybe how to deal with people and attitudes. Unfortunately, I never get the chance to sort out the latter.

I've got to admit that it is tiring what we do all day and night. (I'm referring to doctors, paramedics, nurses, and those who work in the field of health.) To save precious lives and all. But for me personally, that's never a reason to develop or unleash that nasty attitude out. Simple things like being just plain lazy, irresponsible, and the nasty habit of throwing tantrum every now and then never really get me. It's obvious since saving lives is the priority, then why should you even be lazy, irresponsible and angry?

From my point of view, there's never a thing that you are so much obligated to do in life, other than religion. There's always a choice between two. And you always get to choose between that two. To be good or bad. To plain simple or crazy. To be hardworking or lazy bums. See what I mean? We all live to improve ourselves. If I could stress it out here, there's always reflections to do for ourselves. To reflect what particular aspects that needed improvisations. Not to reflect all those good deeds that we've done. That would only bring us closer to being cocky and arrogant. I'm never a fan of those two.

Anyway, speaking of people and attitudes, I really hope that one day I can muster all the confidence I have to speak up. Sad to say but I'm not that close to being the one who always speaks her mind. I'd prefer silencing myself because at least that's what I thought can save me. One thing that I've learned though, it's always a safe line when I silence myself out. I won't hurt anybody since there's not even hurtful words to begin with.

But there's only damage to myself afterwards. To be frank, that's what I've been trying to avoid so much. I've had enough emotional breakdowns with people and words. I don't really get it though, how a person can always never bother about those hurtful words. Hmm.

This is merely my two cents. I do find the urge to write about things that often bother my mind but I'm trying my best to let it slip through my fingers. What I'm trying to emphasize is that attitude reflects more about you than what you really thought. Let's just change ourselves to be better than what we used to be.

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